Common Dishwasher Faults

Your dishwasher is great everyday tool that makes your life easier. But even the most reliable appliance can refuse to work and need a repair. We’ll cover everything from your dishwasher refusing to turn on to water that won’t drain. We’ll also provide tips on how to identify the culprit and, in many cases, offer some DIY solutions to get your laundry back on track.

A dishwasher not turning on is a frequently encountered problem for many homeowners. First, what you’ll want to do is check the plug socket for any issues. This could be as simple as the plug not being all the way into the socket, or as complex as the fuse of the plug breaking. Second, determine if the outlet causes the problem by trying to connect another device to the same socket.

Loud Noises

Dishwashers generate some noise when they fire up, and the ambient noise from cleaning dishes is a usual aspect. If you notice too much noise, it could be a deeper issue. A loud hum can indicate an issue with the motor whereas a grinding or rattling noise can be an issue with the pump, spray arms or door latch. Beware of high pitched sounds as this indicates a problem with bearings.

Dirty Dishes

When your dishwasher isn’t cleaning your plates, pots and pans, it can be a real inconvenience. Sometimes your dishwasher might not even start, meaning a mechanical issue might be at fault.  Check your dishwashers spray arms and filters for any food particles that might be blocking water flow. If the dishwasher completes the cycle but your dishes are still dirty, inspect the detergent holder to ensure its releasing properly.

Foul Smells

If your dishwasher smells bad it can be a sign of underlying issues like food debris or mold. Start by looking for any food debris on the strainer screen or filtration system. A damaged seal or exterior can allow moisture in, causing mustiness. To fix the smell give the dishwasher interior a deep clean using a commercial cleaner or a vinegar-water solution. Wipe down all surfaces with a soft cloth. Finally, run the dishwasher empty on a hot cycle to eliminate any lingering odours


A leaking dishwasher can be a frustrating household problem. To figure out the issue, start by looking inside or outside your dishwasher for visible damage. Look for cracks, holes, or worn seals around the door, pipes and seals. If there’s no apparent damage, listen for the sound of dripping water or a running water pump, as dripping sounds might indicate a faulty water inlet valve or drain pump

If there’s a puddle of water near the dishwasher, this can signify a blocked drain hose or a malfunctioning drain pump. Finally, check the seals around the door for any signs of wear, tear, or improper installation. Addressing these issues promptly is crucial to prevent further water damage.

Drainage Issues

When your dishwasher isn’t able to drain properly it could be due to a clogged drain when there’s too much food left on dishes. The next issue is the pump for the drain pipe becoming blocked preventing water being removed from the machine. You can check for this issue by running a clean cycle and checking for water pooling in your dishwasher.

A broken or clogged hose may also cause water pooling. Start by checking that the hose has no blockages. Make sure to check for food particles and waste inside the hose, also checking the drain pump for similar food particles that may be obstructing the impeller. By thoroughly checking these elements, you can often identify and resolve the underlying problem, restoring your dishwasher’s cleaning capabilities.