Dentons has been providing local information and business listings since 1967. Below is a list of useful contact details for a range of services in Salisbury and the surrounding area. This includes information on council services, education, transport, health, recycling & emergency services.
Wiltshire Council provides a range of services for the residents of Salisbury and the surrounding areas including education and social care.
Collections for Recycling and Rubbish | 0300 456 0102 | Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN |
Council Tax | 0300 456 0109 | Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN |
Parking | 0300 456 0100 | Wiltshire Council, Parking Services, PO Box 3106, Chippenham SN15 9BE |
A-Z of services | visit website |
Schooling can be a difficult time for parents and pupils. Below are some useful numbers to help combat potential issues that may arise for both pupils and parents during a child’s time at school.
Admission to Schools | 01225 713010 | School Admissions, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Trowbridge BA14 8JN |
Bullying at School | 01380813393 or visit website | Action For Children, Broadway, Market Lavington SN10 5RH |
Home to School Transport | 01225 713396 (North Wiltshire) | Wiltshire Council, Passenger Transport Unit, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN |
Home to School Transport | 01225 713398 (South Wiltshire) | Wiltshire Council, Passenger Transport Unit, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN |
More Information | visit website |
Wiltshire is home to some of the finest locations and scenery in the UK making the register offices in the area the ideal location for a notice of marriage or civil partnership. The service is centrally administered from Trowbridge.
Salisbury Register Office | 0300 003 4570 or visit website | Bourne Hill, Salisbury SP1 3UZ |
Wiltshire Register Office | 01225 713007 or visit website | County Hall, Trowbridge BA14 8EZ |
Emergency services in Salisbury are well organised and extremely responsive. Contact information for the main emergency services is listed below.
Emergency Services | emergency 999 or non-emergency 101 | Localised national response |
Wiltshire Police | 101 or visit website | Wiltshire |
Salisbury Police Station | 101 | Bourne Hill, Salisbury SP1 3UZ |
Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service | 01380 723601 or 101 | Headquarters, Manor House, Potterne, Devizes SN10 5PP |
Salisbury Fire Station | 101 or visit website | Ashley Road, Salisbury SP2 7TN |
Wilton Fire Station | 101 or visit website | Minster Street, Wilton SP2 0BH |
South Western Ambulance Service | 01392 261500 | Abbey Court, Eagle Way, Exeter EX2 7HY |
The district hospital in Salisbury provides care needed in a wide community across Wiltshire, Hampshire & Dorset.
Salisbury District Hospital | 01722 336262 or visit website | Odstock Road, Salisbury SP2 8BJ |
There are a fantastic range of NHS services offering day case treatment for residents of Salisbury and its surrounding area. Whatever the problem, be it a broken tooth or a broken leg, specialists are on hand.
Child Health | visit website | or search on |
Complementary Medicines | visit website | or search on |
Dentists | visit website | or search on |
Diabetes Services | visit website | or search on |
Doctors Surgeries | visit website | or search on |
Mental Health Services | visit website | or search on |
Optical Services | visit website | or search on |
Pharmacy Services | visit website | or search on |
Sexual Health Services | visit website | or search on |
Wiltshire County Council has a number of teams and specialists in place, to support adults, families and children in all circumstances.
Addiction Support | 07514 527036 | WASP (Wiltshire Addiction Support Project), 12a Duke Street, Trowbridge BA14 8EA |
Adoption and Fostering | 0800 169 6321 | Wiltshire Council Adoption Team, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN |
Adult Social Care | 0300 456 0111 | Wiltshire Council Adult Social Care, Court Street, Trowbridge BA14 8BR |
Children’s Safety and Social Care | 01380 826200 | Children’s Safety and Social Care, The Cedars, Bath Road, Devizes SN10 2AP |
Older People – Carers | 0800 181 4118 or 01380 871690 | Carer Support Wiltshire, Independent Living Centre, St George’s Road, Semington, Trowbridge BA14 6JQ |
People with a Learning Disability | 0300 456 0100 | DCS Disabilities Team (Shurnhold site), Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN |
Further information | visit website |
The popularity of sending a letter may be decreasing but in and around Salisbury, there are several post offices to buy a stamp, send a letter, purchase a rod fishing license or exchange money for a trip abroad.
The Post Office | 0345 611 2970 or visit website | Localised national response |
Bemerton Heath Post Office | 01722 335577 | Pembroke Road, Salisbury SP2 9DJ |
Bishopdown Post Office | 01722 323382 | 35 Barrington Road, Salisbury SP1 3JD |
Churchill Way West Post Office | 01722 329429 | inside Waitrose, Churchill Way West, Salisbury SP2 7TS |
High Street Post Office | 01722 330288 | High Street, Salisbury SP1 2PF |
Netherhampton Road Post Office | 01722 334538 | 69 Netherhampton Road, Salisbury SP2 8NA |
Salisbury Post Office | 0845 722 3344 | 24 Castle Street, Salisbury SP1 1AB |
West End Post Office | 01722 322030 | 143 Wilton Road, Salisbury SP2 7JH |
Wilton Post Office | 01722 742099 | 21 North Street, Wilton SP2 0HE |
Salisbury has a modern and well equipped sports and leisure centre plus an athletics track so why not take up a new sport or activity, contact the friendly staff for more information.
Five Rivers Leisure Centre | 01722 339966 or visit website | Hulse Road, Salisbury SP1 3NR |
The busy railway station brings many business and leisure travellers to the city. The very efficient bus service transfers everyone across the city, serves the Park & Ride scheme & the local villages.
Rail Enquiries | visit website | Search national network |
Salisbury Railway Station | 0845 700 0125 | South Western Road, Salisbury SP2 7RS |
Bus Timetables | visit website |
Salisbury provides good housing and support services for the homeless and those facing homelessness.
Housing Department | 01225 770316 or visit website | Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN |
For anyone facing money, legal, housing or benefit issues the Citizens Advice Bureau offers free, confidential and impartial advice.
Citizens Advice Bureau | 0844 375 2775 or Nationwide | |
Salisbury Bureau | 01722 0844 375 2775 | 18 College Street, Salisbury SP1 3AL |
The chamber of commerce network can support your business throughout its lifecycle from start-up, development, growth and beyond. No matter what type of business you are, or whether your objectives are on a local, national or international scale, your local chamber can help you meet your goals.
Wessex Chambers | 01225 355553 or visit website | 8 Ascot Court, White Horse Business Park, Trowbridge BA14 0XA |
A coroner’s role is to establish, normally by post-mortem, whether a death is natural or unnatural in the eyes of the law. If the death is unnatural, further investigations might be undertaken with a view to presenting a case to be heard before a coroner at an inquest.
Wiltshire and Swindon Coroner | 01722 438900 or visit website | 26 Endless Street, Salisbury SP1 1DR |
Salisbury is a cathedral city in Wiltshire, England. It has also been called New Sarum to distinguish it from the original site of settlement to the north of the city at Old Sarum, but this alternative name is not in common use.
The city is located in the south-east of Wiltshire, near the edge of Salisbury Plain and its cathedral has Britain’s tallest spire.
It sits at the confluence of five rivers. The Nadder, Ebble, Wylye and Bourne are tributaries of the Avon, which flows to the south coast and into the sea at Christchurch, Dorset.
The world famous Stonehenge prehistoric stone circle is about 8 miles northwest of Salisbury and greatly aids the local economy.
The city itself, Old Sarum and the original cathedral also attract visitors.
Salisbury Racecourse is a flat racing course to the south-west of the city.
Salisbury is twinned with Saintes in France and Xanten in Germany, and it is a sister city of Salisbury in North Carolina and Salisbury in Maryland in the USA.
This small market town continues to serve the local community & surrounding villages with its good mix of shops and services and a weekly market.
Although many believe that Salisbury is the location for the confluence of the five local rivers, it is in fact Wilton that sees the Wylye and Nadder join before flowing into Salisbury.
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